Build Your Own Instrument Kits
One of our Spring 2021 initiatives was a partnership with a local school that serves newly-arrived refugee students. We are creating take home instrument craft kits for students! Each kit provides all materials needed to make and decorate a tambourine, shaker, and drum.

DIY Instruments!
Each kit contains materials to
create and decorate three different rhythm instruments!

Kit Preparation
Kits contain instructions and all items needed to create instruments. Check out our How-To video, too!

Creative & Unique
Students will create a homemade shaker, tambourine, and drum that are as individual as they are!

Recycled Items
Many items in the kit are recycled materials...paper towels rolls, paper plates, coffee cans, and fabric.

Kit Assembly
All items fit into a recycled paper bag that can be reused or recycled.

Ready to Share!
Elementary school students will be able to take and make these kits at home!