I am very excited to share that HeartBEATS has started connecting members of the Phoenix refugee community with volunteers in a brand new way! Today, one of our HeartBEATS volunteers taught her second flute lesson to an eighth grader from Syria. Thanks to a former teacher of mine sharing a Facebook post of mine, I was able to connect with a woman who knew the Syrian family and the boy. I am so thrilled because I have been taking piano/music lessons since I was in first grade, and I know how wonderful of a relationship you can have with your teacher as a mentor and friend. After their first lesson, our volunteer said that the family she met was so sweet, and that she is looking forward to spending more time with them and her student! Our volunteer said the boy seems eager to learn and loves the flute. We hope to make more of these types of connections in the future!
11/17/19-Music Lessons
Updated: Jul 31, 2020